I Gotta Feelin'
That tonight's gonna be a good night...
This will be a short blog, getting ready for the night out in between loads of wash – we have designated washing days here and for our house it’s Friday.
Had a really good morning in the kitchen, my pheasant casserole, mushroom a la crème, and rice all turned out perfectly. I had a bit of a lull in the morning so was able to make lemon ice cream (delish, if I do say so myself!), I made a big batch of roux for the kitchen, and fileted a flat fish – which is much easier than the round, but still a of work for very little meat.
A few of the girls are coming around shortly for a drink before Michael picks us up at 7:15 to head over to Ballymaloe House. Today was the first day in demo where nearly the entire class was chattering and unable to concentrate, everyone was thinking about getting ready for the dinner, or heading out for the weekend. I managed to paint my nails at lunch, so they dried during demo. Demo was good, Darina took us through a very orange themed afternoon with tagines, citrus salads, orange beurre blanc with scallops etc.
Will post photos of the night tonight, depending on what time we are home, otherwise tomorrow morning. It is going to be such a fun night, cant wait! My quote tonight might seem more odd than most, so I will explain… Several years ago Darina had a shell house built on the farm, it is truly beautiful, and she loves it…
“Shells are so lovely, you can use them as a butter dish, you can build a shell house…” Darina, while showing us de-shell scallops.